Friday, April 19, 2013

Unspoken Rules

If you've ever tried using more than a few coupons in one trip to the store, you've probably run into a few people (typically cashiers and anyone in line behind you) who give you a hard time. People will say that your coupon usage is annoying and that it's just wasting time. Some cashiers seem to be under the impression that people who use coupons are trying to steal from the store.

Here's the thing: it's going to happen. People are going to be rude.

They're going to say stuff.

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about it.

There are, however, things you can do to cut down on comments like these. After much research (because I didn't want to be "that" person in the store), I found a few coupon etiquette tips that I'm always careful to use.

1. Use coupons correctly. If the coupon says, "Not valid on trial or travel sizes," don't try to use it on the smaller sizes and get frustrated when it doesn't work. If the coupon says, "One coupon per household," don't try to use several in one transaction and be offended when the cashier won't accept them. Also, don't copy coupons. It's stealing.

2. Don't clear shelves. This is something I see on TV all the time that drives me crazy! People will walk up to a shelf of product (toilet paper, granola bars, etc.)and take every single one. Then, the next person will come (only wanting one or two of the product)... and there is nothing there. It's happened to me several times, and it is incredibly frustrating and annoying. Don't be one of those people. If you have 100 coupons that you really, really, really want to use, try going to several stores or spacing your purchase out over the course of several days.

3. Shop during off-hours. This is for your own sake, the sake of the cashiers, and the sake of other shoppers. If you are trying to browse shelves and sift through coupons while people are pushing past you in the aisles, it's tough for everyone. Likewise, if you are trying to use many coupons during a busy time and the cashier is worried about the 12 people in line behind you (and having to deal with their crankiness after having to deal with your coupons), they are probably going to be less-than-friendly. But, if you're shopping when there aren't many other shoppers there for you (and the cashiers) to worry about, it will be a more pleasant experience for everyone!

4. Make sure your coupons are valid. Please, please, please make sure you do this before you attempt to check out. It happened to me once- I was trying to use a Dollar General coupon at Walmart (for a buy-3-get-3-free deal) and the cashier looked at the coupon, looked at me, and explained the problem. That only took a few seconds, but then he had to go back through and re-scan each of the items and remove them from my bags. It was really embarrassing. Making sure your coupons are valid also includes ensuring that you're using them before they expire. The store may accept them (if the cashier isn't paying attention), but the store may not be reimbursed!

Please feel free to Google for more coupon etiquette! Don't be "that" person... :)

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