Sunday, July 14, 2013

Let's talk about Aldi.

Aldi. It's been called "the poor man's grocery store." It's been labeled as "dirty." It's frequently overlooked. Lots of people are intimidated by how different it is from other grocery stores. It can be super confusing if you've never visited before!

I admit, I was really nervous the first time I wandered in a few months ago! The Aldi in my town is right down the hill from Walmart, where I do most of my normal grocery shopping, and I have to drive right past it... so, one day, I decided to stop in. (I bought one bag of potato chips, which were DELICIOUS.) I remember being confused about:

1. Needing to put a quarter into the buggy to release it. I had seen this a long, long time ago when shopping with my mom, but I didn't have a quarter. Shoot.
2. Not being able to use a credit card? Well, shoot again.
3. Did I want to buy a bag? What?!

I've heard that most people are confused about those same things, as well. But, I overcame the nerves and managed to go back to Aldi the next week and spent a considerable amount of time (and money!) there, and I've been much more confident ever since. Now, I always carry a quarter in my car so I can get a buggy. I know to use my bank card as "Debit," and I usually remember to bring my own bags. I actually love shopping at Aldi now! Since I love lists, I'll go ahead and make another one!

Why I love shopping at Aldi

1. I can bag my own groceries. Since I'm so picky about how my bags are packed, this is a huge deal to me.
2. The prices! Duh! This only came in second place (instead of first) because I am so unbelievably picky about how my groceries are packed.
3. The cashiers are lightning fast. Seriously!
4. There are no buggies rolling around the parking lot. I can park wherever and not have to worry about coming back to a dent in my bumper from a rogue cart.
5. Thus far, they have not re-arranged the inventory (as so many grocery stores love to do). I always know exactly where my favorite things are, and I know what aisles I can avoid.
6. They sell bags of frozen fruit  (I buy a pineapple/peach/strawberry mix) that I use to make smoothies for $1.99/bag. I spend $4 every week on frozen fruit and have enough to make a smoothie every morning for breakfast!
7. I can stock my pantry/baking supplies for super cheap. I don't care if my flour is name brand, I just want flour! Same goes for brown sugar, sprinkles, and... well, you get the idea.
8. Their produce section is killer! I bought a bag of baby carrots today for $.59. I grated and froze them, and now that bag will last through several batches of shredded chicken! 
9. The prices. Good enough to mention again!

And there you have it. I will forever be a fa of Aldi! What are your feelings? Good? Bad? Confused? Let me know!

Happy Sunday!

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