Friday, June 21, 2013

Brand Loyalty

If you're anything like me, you know exactly what you want at the grocery store. It used to be that whenever I went to the store with a list of items to purchase, I knew exactly what brands to pick up. Typically, it was whatever brand was cheapest. This all changed, though, when I started to use coupons. When I first began clipping, I would only look for coupons/sales for my usual brand, assuming that anything else would be too expensive. My eyes would totally ignore coupons for any brand besides what I was used to. I've learned, though, that it is good to try new things... especially when they're dirt cheap!

Frequently, higher-priced brands will have higher-value coupons that, when paired with a sale, will make that brand cheaper than a lesser-quality product!

(As much as I love saving money, this was a hard lesson. I am definitely a creature of habit!)

Nowadays, I really couldn't care less what brands I pick up. I can't tell you what brand of toothpaste is in my bathroom right now, or what kind of body wash my husband uses. (I know what kind I use, because I got a killer deal on it!) There are, though, a few brands I will not stray from, even if I have coupons for another brand.

1.)  Q-tips. I think I'm a Q-tip snob. I'm one of those crazies who carries them all the time, and I've found that no other cotton swabs do the trick.
2.) Purina. My cat did not ask to be adopted by someone as cheap frugal as me, and I don't think she should have to settle for a lesser-quality brand because I don't want to shell out a few extra dollars. To me, it's worth the extra cost to keep her healthy. (Oh, and also because I bought generic food once and she wouldn't go within 10 feet of her food bowl. Oops!)
3.) TruMoo. This is kind of a silly one, but I absolutely love chocolate milk, and TruMoo is the best brand. I don't buy it all the time, but I think it's worth the money to have something that I will actually want to drink.

So! There you go. If you want to be a successful couponer, you need to be open to trying new brands... but keep in mind that it's okay to have a handful of brands to be loyal to.

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